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A unique opportunity to perpetuate the names of Your near and dear ones on the Holy I Land of Israel

A unique opportunity to perpetuate the names of Your near and dear ones on the Holy I Land of Israel

The construction of the synagogue is organized by the charitable organization Nishmat Haaliya. The registration number in Israel 580404994, led by Rabbi Gedalia Melamed +972 50 7811492

Detailed information about the construction and official documents you can see on the page Building the first Russian-speaking synagogue of the city Ashkelon.

Attention. Please donate only trow official site or account number "Nishmat Haaliya" (Nishmat Haaliya USA INC).

Requisites for donations

  • Charitable licensed organization – Nishmat Haaliya – Soul of Haliyah
  • License number 580404994

Account number of the organization in Israel

  • Postal Bank of Israel, branch main 1, account 4050332
  • Organization Nishmat Haaliya
Those who have donated from NIS 180 to the official bank account of our charitable organization are entitled to a 35% refund of the income tax in Israel *
*This right applies only to citizens and organizations of Israel in accordance with the tax laws of Israel p.46

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